Thing #4 After exploring Blogsphere

Written on Saturday, November 01, 2008 by ~Digital Goddess~

So I began to explore the Top 10 Library Blogs to Read and found the iLibrarian blog very interesting. My favorite part of the blog is that there is a section labels CATEGORIES (down the left column), which narrows down your search on the blog. I was particularly interested in Gaming , Design , Podcasts , & Mac . I definitely encourage others to explore this blog. You will find some interesting information.

Shout out to "Lily the Cat"

Written on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 by ~Digital Goddess~

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Letters in "RED"

Written on Sunday, October 26, 2008 by ~Digital Goddess~

D I G I letter T A L

This was inspired by the SAPL Learns LOGO. I was even luck enough to find letters in "RED". Awesome!! click here to try . Once you have chosen your letters, then the next step would be to copy and paste the code into the posting. Enjoy!!